
We help to improve your business

If you are an existing small business, then we commend you on your journey so far! Being a small business owner can lead to massive rewards, but success is never guaranteed. While running your own business is rewarding, it can be hard work at times.  It can be even harder if you feel like you are on this journey alone.

The team at Mint Accounting are here to help you. We draw on our personal experiences and insights to offer advice and support. We will teach you what we know to empower you with your business decisions. We are not afraid to have the hard conversations too. If things aren’t looking good in your business, then we will let you know and come up with strategies to improve this.

Is it time to change accountants?

Changing accountants can feel daunting. There can be a myriad of reasons for staying however if the relationship doesn’t feel right then it might be time to leave. Businesses grow and evolve, including accounting firms, so change is natural part of your business journey.

Before changing accountants, you need to ask yourself:

  •  Do you dread speaking to your accountant?
  •  Do you have consistency in who you are dealing with?
  • Is your accountant meeting all your needs?
  • Does your accountant response to your calls and emails on a timely basis?
  • Are they requesting that you change software?
  • Do you feel like you are receiving value for the fees you are paying?

Looking for a new accountant?

If you are looking for a new accountant, ensure you shop around until you find the right fit. Visit a few accountants with a list of questions such as:

  • What services do you provide?
  • How do your fees work?
  • What kind of clients do you work with?
  • What software do you support?
  • How do you communicate?
  • Will I ways deal with you?

Always trust your instincts and you will find the right accountant for you.

Your accountant should:

  • be supportive of you and your business
  • be a person who you trust
  • be a person you can rely on for advice
  • have intimate knowledge of your business and your goals
  • have clear timeframes for any work they complete
  • have a clear pricing structure